323 Projects is pleased to present from one side to the other, I've dreamed that too. An exhibition organized by VOLUME.

The exhibition runs from December 20, 2010 – Jan 17, 2011.
The opening reception is December 20, 2010 6-8PM.
To experience the opening you need not go anywhere. Simply call (323) 843-4652.

Considering Eve Sedgwick’s brilliant essay Queer and Now as a model for thinking critically about the winter holidays, 17 artists have been invited to present work which addresses Christmastime as not necessarily a season for rejoicing, but as a defined period of struggle and resistance.

In her essay, Sedgwick makes a brilliant analysis of Christmas, and why it can be a particularly difficult time for queer folks to suffer through. To paraphrase, it is the one time in the year where nearly every institution in the US lines up in unison to reinforce the same definition of family, religion, and tradition; definitions that define queer subjects as "other."

Some of the artists in this project have addressed the concept head on, others prefer a more oblique strategy. Some of the work doesn’t necessarily address Christmas, or queerness specifically, but may target other events and meanings associated with December and the New Year.

Modeled loosely after a suicide prevention line, from one side to the other, I've dreamed that too. offers callers a moment of solace, or tools for active resistance against the monolithic tide of conservative signification that defines this holiday season, in all forms.

Participating artists:

Marcus Civin

Dino Dinco

Zackary Drucker

Seth Horvitz


Nina Katchadorian

Killsonic Women's Chorus

M. Lamar


Marc Manning

Lucas Michael

Taisha Paggett

David Schafer

Susan Silton

Jacob Sperber


Dorian Wood